This changelog contains bug fixes and a few new additions. Here is a detailed overview of what got fixed and changed.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to get uploaded avatars (and .gifs) resized. Now even smaller images get resized to the correct size automatically
  • Fixed the global shoppy embed popup. After opening the popup, you saw the website (cracked.to) being halfy cropped out in the background.
  • Fixed an issue where granted awards where displayed incorrectly in the shoutbox (Guest has been granted with XYZ..)
  • Fixed an issue where drafted threads were posted in the shoutbox as a new thread
  • Fixed an issue where break-word didn't work in the editor
  • Fixed an issue where @username URLs were not parsed correctly. Example: https://shoppy.gg/@floraiN gets parsed correctly now
  • Fixed an issue where search results took way to long to show the results (more than 5 seconds)

  • Reworked the top page of your UserCP and added login history
  • Activate/Deactivate custom CSS templates
  • New Button to set your avatar to a transparent image with a simple click
  • Award Images next to the award name that was granted in the shoutbox
  • Everyone can now set their Bitcoin address in user options (it gets shown in your profile on the left side)

Best regards,
For account recoveries and 2fa issues, contact @Liars or @Darkness
For any upgrade-related issues, please private message me on-site.

Alert: Replies may take up to 48 hours.

[Image: I4kF791.gif]

Important note: Do not private message me for IntenseProxy support, instead send an email to [email protected]