(This post was last modified: 07 September, 2019 - 03:31 AM by Duncan Idaho.)
I'm working on a mutli threaded cracker and I'm trying to figure out how to approach a specific issue. I have two options, I can have all my threads crack the same hash with different indexes, or, I can make each thread handle a specific hash. The first option would make it quicker at cracking single hashes, but it would also be a complex setup. Each thread checks if the hit occurred, proceeds to test its wordlist, and finally moves on to another wordlist/ new hash, etc... The fact that it checks if the hit occurred every time it runs would make this require more resources than necessary. The latter would check it's own hashes and know if the hit occurred as it happens. No unnecessary conditional statements slowing it down. :fuck: my brain hurts.

I decided both options are necessary.