Hello all,

I have never posted in this forum before, so let me know if this is in the wrong category.

My school recently distributed HP Elitebooks to all the students. Running Windows 10 with HP Sure Start.

Right now, my account basically doesn’t have any privileges to access any admin software. I want to change my current account to an admin to have access to admin software such as Security Policy, Registry Editor, Impero (the monitoring software my school uses).

I watched this YouTube video to change account to admin. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7KEwXbFlIU&t=4s

But, I turned computer on off on off until it goes into Diagnostic mode.... and then did other stuff from there. You can look up Trevo Electro on YouTube and find the video for what I actually did.

If you watch that video, that is what I did. I can now access command prompt, but only when on the login screen within Windows. I can not access command prompt when logged in.

I used command prompt, and used this command: net localgroup administrators domainname\username /add

This worked, and said it was successful in command prompt.

When I go into my account in settings, it says I am admin, but I still don’t have any access to any admin software. Whenever I try to open any of that software, it says blocked my admin.

I don’t really understand how to make this work.