Hello , WEBSITE : Netflix.com/redeem

Im in selenium and i use executeJS for doing my thing

First :

Recaptcha V2 response = SOLUTION
What i found for callback =
  1. dataset: DOMStringMap
    1. callback: "netflixRecaptchaOnResponseTokenReceived" // Property path : clients[0].$X.dataset.callback
    2. sitekey: "6LfIRaAUAAAAAL_YW90Z1yNFfbOXS1Ppa68yeAu6"
    3. size: "invisible"
    4. [[Prototype]]: DOMStringMap

Second :

document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response').innerHTML = '<SOLUTION>' // I inject the response
___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].$X.dataset.callback("<SOLUTION>") // I call the callback


Executing block Execute JS] EvaluationFailedException: Evaluation failed: ReferenceError: netflixRecaptchaOnResponseTokenReceived is not defined
at __puppeteer_evaluation_script__:1:1766