(This post was last modified: 19 September, 2023 - 03:04 PM by Cridex.)
1) Well, banks don't carry millions and millions of dollars into their vault, most of the money are digital that are processed, it's just a lump sum of money in someone's account that could take months for it to arrive physically, there's a smarter way to steal the money if you are smart enough instead of going to the bank with a gun and screaming you simply need time, focus, mindset, and the ability to think .

2) Banks now carry larger sums in digital currency EX - 500.000 , 1.000.000 etc
But how does a "Someone" get into the system using Trojans, Malware, Keyloggers, etc? Well it's not that easy but not that hard if you think about it.

3) Malware could be found or could be created, if someone could create one that's the end of the malware process, just think of the possibilities that could come up with creating one, sure you could sell them on some ( .onion ) sites but now it's mostly just people with a huge fantasy of weird things going into it, but the catch it to know how to use and distribute your product that's interesting

4) Keyloggers - It's a form of Malware/Virus whatever you want to call it , it's purpose is to install itself into the victim of a banking employee wether it's a C support or a Admin , If installed correctly without detection the malware records Key-Strokes of different Log-In pages or just regular browsing, it also shows when, where it was used , it also screenshots the sites used, it's powerful in terms of knowing what YOU are looking for , but also could have a weakness in detection, wich you need to pay attention and test it onto a friend/Family computer for atleast weeks to know if it can bypass AV .

5) Ransomware - If you don't have knowledge in Key-logging activity , maybe your words will do the job, Ransomware is a type of malware that intends to lock and encrypt any type of data holding a banking employee but don't just take one take all of the devices wich they use daily , a crypto address , well if you have a big mind and want to go big make 10 crypto addresses , let them pay in Monero or Bitcoin, make a simple yet threatning statement that if payment isn't recieved in a Short period of time Data will be deleted, but deleting valuable information about pretty much a Bank and it's costumers data is just stupid, instead download all of the files and find a buyer, and delete all of the files when the payment is done, Under the radar, fast, and undetectable.

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Tg : @gxc0001
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