(This post was last modified: 25 February, 2021 - 09:42 AM by Guilla.)
This QoL update needs change. Fast. After 5 activations of stun traps, husks got that immune against those traps. The worst part is: It includes Tar Pit and Sound Walls..
In high level missions, this change is okay. We can still build trap tunnels. But what about Canny / Twine Peaks endurance ?
Now propanes and smashers are a pain in end game missions (Twine endurance here)<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->essay writer
You just cannot use most of the floor traps because they have impact / knockback value. You cannot use Floor freez, Tar pit, Floor launcher, and (maybe?) Retractable Floor spikes in your damage tunnels. Tar pit became useless to stop husks and for smashers too.
Same goes for walls. you cannot use a lot of wall launcher to recycle husks if you want to put sound walls for propanes.
The worst part in Twine Peaks endurance is the "Pit" Amplifier. It was already the worst amplifier to build trap tunnels. Now you cannot do anything on Wave 24. Fire smashers, propanes everywhere.. Just impossible to kill fire smashers alone when they just charge the beggining of your tunnel
  1. Tar Pit and Sound walls should not count for the 5 activations traps and immune.
  2. Another thing that can be done is: revert the propane changes made during Frostnite 2019 (Self detonate)
  3. Increase the amount of stun required to immune smashers and propanes ( 7 instead of 5 for example )