I'm trying to map a PE file in memory but I got to this point where I get to a read access violation.

The error happens when reading the address of the function used from DLLs from IDT and adding them to the IAT table.

Here is the error that was thrown:
Exception thrown at 0x772D500B (ntdll.dll) in PELoader.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x80000013.
for (int i = 0; import_descriptors[i].OriginalFirstThunk != 0; ++i) {

        // Get the name of the dll, and import it
        char* module_name = ImageBase + import_descriptors[i].Name;
        HMODULE import_module = LoadLibraryA(module_name);
        if (import_module == NULL) {
            return NULL;

        // the lookup table points to function names or ordinals => it is the IDT
        IMAGE_THUNK_DATA* lookup_table = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA*)(ImageBase + import_descriptors[i].OriginalFirstThunk);

        // the address table is a copy of the lookup table at first
        // but we put the addresses of the loaded function inside => that's the IAT
        IMAGE_THUNK_DATA* address_table = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA*)(ImageBase + import_descriptors[i].FirstThunk);

    for (int i = 0; lookup_table[i].u1.AddressOfData != 0; ++i) {
            void* function_handle = NULL;

            // looping through the lookup table
            DWORD lookup_addr = lookup_table[i].u1.AddressOfData;

            if ((lookup_addr & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG) == 0) {
                // This is where I import by name
                IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME* image_import = (IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME*)(ImageBase + lookup_addr);
                char* funct_name = (char*)&(image_import->Name);
                printf("[*] adding address of: %s\n", funct_name);
                function_handle = (void*)GetProcAddress(import_module, funct_name);
            else {
                //the exception is thrown after this line is printed in the console
                printf("--------------- this one has an Ordinal------\n");
                // import by ordinal, directly
                function_handle = (void*)GetProcAddress(import_module, (LPSTR)lookup_addr);

            //the exception is thrown when checking if the function_handle is != null
            if (function_handle == NULL) {return NULL;}

            // change the IAT, and put the function address inside.
            address_table[i].u1.Function = (DWORD)function_handle;