I have been struggling to make a start on getting yahoo mail acess combos and data.
i understand how sql works and everything and how you dump data but i have only ever done it in a begginer way 
i have used tools like tsp gen for my dorks and very low quality tools but ok for begginers and learning
i am looking to now make mail acess combos for only yahoo (ALL COUNTRIES)
So far i have gathered the domains which i assume are mostly my Keywords in this case which are :

they are all the domains i could find but now everyone is telling me to handwrite my dorks 
i am struggling to find someone that will help with this and guide me to handwrite my dorks for mail acess combo for yahoo
i am willing to give half my combos in return for help with getting theese dorks sorted and combos made
like i already said i understand the basics of using sql using notepad++ etc and searcher and scanning for vulns
i appreciate anyone who reads this thank you so much for your time and i hope someone can help me out! 
Please contact me via discord at ryankapperr#7865
Telegram @ryantheman