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should i stay in college?

by palajeno - 14 December, 2021 - 12:29 AM
This post is by a banned member (palajeno) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(18 December, 2021 - 01:50 PM)Schrader Wrote: Show More
how far in are you?
a lot of people say to me if im over half way in you might as well just stick it out, but under that it's up to you. I felt a little like this in my 2nd year of 4 (part because it was all online bcs covid), but i actually started enjoying it once i actually did the shit i was meant to.

im abt to finish my second year so its kinda like the time to decide if i wanna keep goin or not ya know. and i got stuck in a major i dont really like which is making things that much harder to figure out :/ covid didnt help either all the online stuff killed my motivation
This post is by a banned member (knilje) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (palajeno) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(21 December, 2021 - 06:50 PM)knilje Wrote: Show More
(14 December, 2021 - 12:29 AM)palajeno Wrote: Show More
idk if its my depression or my adhd or what but i simply cannot do school the way i could in high school. its like something switched off in my brain when i stepped foot on campus. i have no passion, no drive, im always asking for extensions and then i still dont even turn the fuckin assignment in. today i woke up late and was almost late to one of my finals just to guess on half the test anyway. everyone says college will open doors for me but idek what i wanna do. idk what i would do if i wasn't in college either i feel like im just floating around and life is happening around me

Is college something you feel that is "required" of you from family or is this somethign you genuinely want to persue? I almost dropped out of college, but then I found a degree that I was passionate about and that turned my GPA around completely
i feel like i used college to get *away* from my family, and now that i am i just feel kinda confused. but at the same time i wanna change my major the school just isnt lettting me. so idk how to find my passion or drive
This post is by a banned member (wynna) - Unhide
3 Years of service
"but at the same time i wanna change my major the school just isnt lettting me." if you want to change your major but the school isn't letting you I would quit tbh and at best find somewhere that allows you to change to the major you want. if you're financially stable to do so that is.

otherwise taking a gap year is also an option, you could work part-time in cafes and shitz while you figure what your passion is.

anyways i wish you good luck in your life
This post is by a banned member (palajeno) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(22 December, 2021 - 09:04 AM)wynna Wrote: Show More
"but at the same time i wanna change my major the school just isnt lettting me." if you want to change your major but the school isn't letting you I would quit tbh and at best find somewhere that allows you to change to the major you want. if you're financially stable to do so that is.

otherwise taking a gap year is also an option, you could work part-time in cafes and shitz while you figure what your passion is.

anyways i wish you good luck in your life

true, i already took a year off during covid but tbhhhhh might need another one to get my head straight and truly figure out what i wanna do... i appreciate the well wishes and same to u brother  Smart
This post is by a banned member (kevinconnor23) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(14 December, 2021 - 12:29 AM)palajeno Wrote: Show More
idk if its my depression or my adhd or what but i simply cannot do school the way i could in high school. its like something switched off in my brain when i stepped foot on campus. i have no passion, no drive, im always asking for extensions and then i still dont even turn the fuckin assignment in. today i woke up late and was almost late to one of my finals just to guess on half the test anyway. everyone says college will open doors for me but idek what i wanna do. idk what i would do if i wasn't in college either i feel like im just floating around and life is happening around me

Hello bro,

I'm really sorry to hear that but i would personally advice to try figure out something that makes you love studying. Why not go to the forums that are all over the internet or to YouTube and search for what makes someone love studying? I think as well that you need therapy because i feel your text very deep and you might have some trouble in your life actually or in the past in your childhood.

Best regards,
                                                                                                                                               [Image: WELCOME-CHECK-OUT-MY-SHOP.gif]
This post is by a banned member (Wispie) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 22 December, 2021 - 07:26 PM by Wispie. Edited 1 time in total.)
I may be trying to compare yourself to mine a couple of years back, so apologies if I am wrong.

More often than not I see students approach studying in college/universities the wrong way. Everything starts revolving around grades "oh as long as I pass it's fine" or "X person got X grade". If you're studying for the sake of passing or just grades it's pretty obvious that your goals are really short-sighted. Because fundamentally these things won't matter as time goes by (This depends on the country as well, but in my case it didn't matter much), what matters is the knowledge/skills which you'll obtain. With that way of thinking I can't see anyone having any motivation finishing anything :)

There was a good solution in the comments somewhere in the thread where they suggested you to take a gap year. It helped me a bunch when I took it. I think I learned in that 1 year more than I did for my entire life. I threw myself at various fields, trying to see which one would fit me the most and just kept working on myself as much as I could.

Now as for actual advice, when it comes to any sort of exam/project/assignment instead of thinking that you HAVE to do something try approaching it as a challenge for yourself. Try to see how well you can perform in a given amount of time with a task that you're assigned. When it comes to finding interest or motivation to study something try to approach it with an open mind and maybe potentially look how you can make money out of it, how is that knowledge applicable in the real world... You get the point. As far as the advice regarding the pursue of education, I'd always tell you to not give up on it and push through unless you made it clear to yourself that you won't ever have anything with that field.

Again, a lot of this is me speaking from my personal experience.
Hope it helped and wish you the best :)
[Image: S6jZX1O.gif]
Beauty in the flaw, grace of imperfection.
This post is by a banned member (knilje) - Unhide

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